The Pursuit of Excellence in Public Speaking, Communication, and Leadership.


San Diego Toastmasters since 1957…

If you've ever experienced anxiety and fear while giving a speech, presentation, or toast, you're not alone. Almost every member of Professional Men's Toastmasters No. 624 has had a similar experience, which is why they joined the club in the first place. However, through their participation in the club, many of these men have become accomplished speakers. They have used their newfound skills to excel in their careers, confidently voice their opinions in meetings, and even give toasts with ease. In short, their experiences in this club have transformed their anxiety into achievement.

We believe our positive practice environment, which we create every Tuesday morning, 7:00 – 8:30 a.m., can help you do the same. Overcoming the fear of public speaking is possible, and we want to help you achieve your goals. So, we invite you to come check out our club and see if it's the right fit for you.

New to Toastmasters?

What makes our club successful


Weekly Meetings

The best way to become better at something is to do it on a regular basis. Come to our weekly meetings and hone your skills in-front of a real audience of people committed to helping you improve.

san diego toastmasters club professional mens 624 public speaking club


Our members are made up of professionals of all ages and career levels. This is a unique space to learn from others. You will join to become a better speaker but stay because of the quality relationships that form.

san diego toastmasters club professional mens 624 public speaking club

Online Integration

While there’s nothing like the power of in-person meetings, we understand that today’s technology means that meetings are no longer limited to a physical location. We incorporate high-quality Zoom meetings in our format.

What our members have to say…

Come visit us and attend a meeting.

Our regular schedule is every Tuesday meeting at 7AM except for the last Tuesday of each month. Please get in touch with us to confirm meeting dates.

Meeting Location:

Alesmith Brewery

9990 AleSmith Ct, San Diego, CA 92126


Get in touch.

Hugh Tanner

VP of Membership

(858) 449-1855

CJ Thomas

Club President

(775) 291-6333

Niko Podimatis

VP of Education

(858) 437-2415